Mind and Motivation:
Paul Halpern’s Foreword to Lisa Tenzin-Dolma’s inspiring book
It is truly a joyous feeling when our minds are clear, our purposes resolute, and our footsteps hit the pavement with an unwavering stride. The sun is out and the wind seems at our back, propelling us ever forward. Nothing can go wrong, it seems.
Inevitably, though, obstacles arise, either externally or internally. Dark thunderclouds might cast shadow on what had seemed like a perfect afternoon. Stepping into a gloppy puddle and coating one’s boots with mud might make continuing on a casual walk much less inviting. Yet, even on an otherwise pleasant day, the nebulous doubts and murky fears that arise in one’s mind might pose the greatest challenge of all. After all, one can raise an umbrella to the rain and watch out for wet hazards while taking a stroll, but one ultimately cannot avoid one’s own mental landscape.
Momentary challenges and negative thoughts naturally arise for everyone. It is part of life. And, unfairly, some face greater or more frequent hurdles than others.
Moreover, levels of resilience seem to vary from person to person as well. It is horrific when an especially sensitive person faces a barrage of obstacles. Others may try to help out, but ultimately each and every one of us must accumulate the armour to defend ones peace of mind against one’s own inner battles.
Yet luckily, as this important book shows in numerous lessons and examples, many effective strategies for regrouping after setbacks — major or minor — can successfully be learned. Perseverance, flexibility, stamina, and optimism are all skills that might be acquired through practice. One need not be stuck in mental traps or overwhelmed by the demands of life.
In his science fiction novel The Mind Parasites, Colin Wilson imagined an alien life form that thrived from the negative thinking of humans and clouded minds to prevent clarity. Surely, sometimes it does seem like unwelcome thoughts and feelings arise from malicious agents. In reality, they are naturally bound to pop up from time to time, purely because brains are complex systems that react in unpredictable ways. A certain scent, sound, or other sensation might trigger an unpleasant memory. But how we react to that feeling next might set the tone for the rest of the day. Do we simply recognize and acknowledge that undesirable thoughts or feelings regularly arise and then move on, or do we dwell on the negative and try to analyse fruitlessly what is happening — which might lead to even more unpleasant sensations?
Wilson is one of the many inspiring figures featured in this extraordinary book. Far from just a speculative writer, his literary, non-fiction works grappled with the role of society’s outsiders and delved into ways to achieve optimistic, clear-mindedness. His interview, along with the others in this book, including personalities from the realms of fiction, music, and other creative endeavours, is a must read.
Mind and Motivation offers a unique collection of personal tales that are fascinating, as well as inspirational. Though timeless in its wisdom, this edition is updated for speaking to contemporary challenges. Read on, and learn from an assortment of imaginative thinkers, how to address adversity and erroneous thinking in a positive fashion. Follow the exercises, and explore ways to reorient oneself toward new goals. Above all, employ the mind’s creativity to learn new pathways toward personal satisfaction. It is never too late to see the world through the eyes of a child and embark on novel journeys toward unexplored kingdoms of self-realisation.
Mind and Motivation: Reconnecting with Your Inner Purpose, by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma is available at:
Paul Halpern is a University of the Sciences physics professor and the author of sixteen popular science books, including Synchronicity: The Epic Quest to Understand the Quantum Nature of Cause and Effect.